How Can We Improve the Chances of Getting Healthy Pregnancy?

1. Live Healthy

If you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s worth thinking about improving your diet. Avoid sausages, semi-finished products, fried products, sweets, and sweet sodas. Also, forget the excess of alcohol, coffee, and cigarettes. Limit or completely eliminate foods containing white flour and white sugar.

Focus on foods without preservatives, colourings, or flavourings. Your diet should be balanced, varied, and as fresh as possible.

If you suffer from any of the chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, epilepsy, autoimmune diseases, etc., try with the help of your doctor to stabilize your health and adjust your treatment so that you only take the necessary drugs that will endanger your health as little as possible fetal development.

2. Add Movement

For a successful pregnancy and the course of pregnancy, it is best to reach your ideal weight (which can be approximated using the BMI index – remember, however, that BMI alone does not tell you anything about the fat and muscle ratio in the body).

Women who are very overweight have a reduced ability to conceive and are also more likely to be at risk of pregnancy complications such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Even being underweight is not suitable for pregnancy – too low a body weight can be the cause of disturbed hormonal function of the ovaries.

3. Reduce Stress

Stress is the enemy of pregnancy. Perhaps this sounds banal because stress is popularly called the culprit of almost all ailments. But the fact is that during stress, hormonal axes are activated, and stress hormones are released into the bloodstream to an increased extent, which affects a woman’s behavior and body movements.

Stress hormones can block ovulation and menstruation, affect the mobility of the fallopian tubes, and reduce blood flow to the uterus. They also dampen the immune system, which can affect the process of implantation of the egg in the uterus.

4. Organize your Head

Psychological reasons can sometimes be behind the inability to get pregnant. A woman may subconsciously reject the maternal role; she is afraid of losing her freedom and her childless life. Insecurity in the relationship and doubts about the partner as a suitable father for the child can also be blamed.

Experienced traumas such as sexual abuse or post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of a previous pregnancy and childbirth can also complicate the journey to a baby.

While you can manage everyday stress on your own, for example, by using autogenic training, meditation, etc., with more serious psychological problems, contact a psychologist who will recommend a suitable therapy.

5. Try Grandma’s Advice

It never hurts to try “grandmother’s” advice, where you are sure that if it doesn’t help, then at least it won’t break anything.

One of them is to avoid hot baths while trying to conceive, which applies to you and your partner. In men, heat is not conducive to sperm production, while in women, overheating can cause ovulation disorders.

Avoid or at least limit your use of lubricants. Even those without a spermicidal component can affect sperm movement.

Often recommended advice is also to make a candle after intercourse or at least spend ten to twenty minutes with a padded bottom. Tips for both men and women on an easy journey after the baby

And advice that you will definitely like: It is recommended to make love with taste and indulge in frequent orgasms during sex. Thanks to the contractions of the uterus and vagina, the sperm are sucked into the cervix and the egg.

6. Give Herbs a Chance

One of the most proven herbs supporting the proper functioning of a woman’s hormonal cycle is control. This medicine strengthens the female organs, especially the uterus. It works against abortions and increases the probability of conception.

Lemon balm stimulates the uterus and helps with menstrual cycle irregularities and chamomile. Sage is similar to the female hormone estrogen and has traditionally been used to treat infertility.

If you want to go exotic, you can try brahmi, shattavari, or guduchi herbs (individually or in a mixture). Many types of herbal mixtures are also directly intended to harmonize the menstrual cycle and support pregnancy.

7. Alternative Medicine can Help

Homoeopathy is one way to gently help the body harmonize hormonal processes and thus conceive. Thanks to an individually selected homoeopathic medicine, you can restore balance in the body, purify the organism, and even reduce the possibility of passing chronic diseases from parents and grandparents to the child.

Traditional Chinese medicine offers many options, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercise and dietary modification.

Ayurveda, the science of life and longevity, also works similarly. It focuses on a holistic approach to people and aims to maintain balance in the body.

8. Practice According to Moses or Hormone Yoga

The results show that the method is especially useful in treating functional sterility. Functional sterility means that the woman is gynecologically healthy; only some muscles in the small pelvis contract, which are related to reproduction.

This method involves exercising and stretching the pelvic floor muscles. It focuses on muscle relaxation, removal of spinal blocks, and correct pelvic positioning. It is ideal to entrust the exercise to an experienced physiotherapist who will supervise the correct execution of the movements.

Practising the so-called hormonal yoga will help keep our hormonal system in check, including its reproductive part.

9. Give your Body and Soul time

Today’s performance-oriented age sometimes tempts us to rush things. But even if both partners are completely healthy, the baby may not come on the first try—not even for a second.

Try not to view getting pregnant as a task that you have to complete at a certain time. You are not racing for time. Even if the desire for a baby is sometimes very strong, trying too hard can paradoxically complicate the possibility of getting pregnant.

Many women have already found out that they managed to get pregnant at the very moment when they did not focus on getting pregnant at all and, on the contrary, concentrate on a new life goal (for example, on a new job, studies, etc.).

And one Final Tip

Give yourself a limit after which you will discuss pregnancy with a doctor (infertility treatment is usually recommended after a year of unsuccessful attempts). Until then, take care of yourself, your health, and, of course, your partner.

And don’t forget that children rarely act according to what their parents planned – and that includes their conception.


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