Myths and Facts – Prohibited Things for Pregnant Women

Myths and prohibitions for pregnant women. However, reminds that in any case, it is important to consult your doctor before following any recommendations.


You can drink coffee during pregnancy: it does not cause miscarriage or lead to premature birth – scientists came to such conclusions after studying all the studies on the topic for many years. Two cups of cappuccino or three lattes is the safe daily dose of caffeine (200 mg). Remember that caffeine is also found in black and green tea, cocoa, and chocolate – you must take it easy with them.


Pregnancy is not a disease, and “exemption from physical education” is not required. But the key word here is “physical education” (and not “professional sports” or “extreme activities”).

The rule can be formulated as follows: if you went in for sports in an amateur mode before conception, you could continue after consulting a doctor. If you haven’t done it, it’s best not to start. In general, pregnant women are recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day. Walking, exercise therapy, special yoga, or your usual sport.

In this case, you should avoid :

  • Exercises in the supine position (after the first trimester);
  • Diving, snorkeling, surfing (water pressure can harm the fetus);
  • Contact sports – hockey, basketball, volleyball, boxing;
  • Activities where there is a high risk of falling: skiing, skating, horseback riding;
  • “Hot” yoga or Pilates;
  • Mountain hiking (due to the risk of oxygen starvation).

But there is also a list of contraindications. This is the risk of preterm birth, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, including after surgical correction, multiple pregnancies, placenta previa, diseases of internal organs (for example, respiratory organs), and severe anemia.

Dental treatment

You can put fillings and treat root canals at any time – it is much more dangerous if there is a source of infection in the body. Ideally, treatment should be carried out in the second trimester – from the 14th to the 28th week of pregnancy. In the third trimester, it is also possible, but at this time, it is already uncomfortable to sit for a long time because of the large belly. Anesthesia is permissible, as is an x-ray – only in this case, the stomach should be covered with a protective apron.

In an ideal picture of the world, all major dental procedures should be performed before pregnancy. At the planning stage, visiting the dentist for preventive purposes makes sense.


Botulinum toxin type A does not cross the placenta and is not known to interfere with pregnancy. But I want to add: large-scale studies have not been conducted because the drug is not life-saving (the largest review talks about 574 women who risked getting Botox during pregnancy).

Botox is about beauty and health: its injections are prescribed for migraines, excessive sweating, and urinary incontinence. In these cases, the benefits of the drug outweigh the possible risks. But whether to do “beauty injections” is up to you.


“Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy, and if so, how exactly?” – one of the main questions of all pregnant women. I hasten to answer: it is possible. Two other things are much more important.

No contraindications: Bleeding, abdominal pain, low placenta, shortened cervix, threatened miscarriage and premature birth, thrush, amniotic fluid leakage (when the integrity of the membranes is broken), habitual miscarriage.

Infectious status of the partner: It is worth knowing that he does not and cannot have genital infections.

Sex is allowed in any comfortable position, but it is worth remembering that in the second half of pregnancy, it is undesirable to lie on your back. In some conditions, orgasm is possible; in others, uterine contractions are undesirable. Anal sex is not prohibited, but it is contraindicated for hemorrhoids, which often occur in pregnant women. And, of course, the most attentive attitude to hygiene rules is implied.

Flying in the third trimester

Many airlines ask for a pregnancy certificate before flying. According to WHO, travel is allowed at any time except for the last month of pregnancy. And it’s not just that the airline does not want to take birth in the air. During pregnancy, the risk of blood stagnation in the limbs and the formation of blood clots is especially high. For insurance, you can follow the following rules :

  • Drink more water;
  • Wear compression stockings;
  • Wear loose clothing;
  • Walk around the cabin every half an hour or an hour;
  • Keep your seat belts fastened to avoid being hit by turbulence.
  • The same rules apply to travel by train and car.


There is no need to stop breastfeeding as soon as you find out about a new pregnancy. A gynecologist has no right to dissuade you if there are no contraindications and the pregnancy is going well ( the World Health Organization and large-scale studies are on your side ). At the same time, breastfeeding can be a pain in the ass if you are at risk of miscarriage, so let your doctor know if you have any doubts or strange feelings.

Another myth is that there will be insufficient nutrients for three (mother, child, and fetus in the womb). But this applies rather to poor countries where there are problems with nutrition. With a full-fledged diet, moms have enough nutrients for everyone.

Flu shot

Influenza complications are ten times more common in pregnant women than non-pregnant women. I advise patients to be vaccinated in the autumn following the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Vaccination is also recommended during pregnancy if you are in a high-risk group (e.g., higher weight, chronic respiratory disease).

There is no need to be afraid of vaccinations: flu vaccines are inactivated; that is, the virus in them is inanimate and incapable of harming mother and child. The same goes for covid vaccinations: international and Russian protocols allow pregnant women to be vaccinated after 22 weeks.

This post was last modified on May 4, 2023


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