The liver is the largest solid organ in the human body. They are responsible for many basic functions, of which there are more than 500. They are part of the digestive system and play a vital role in removing toxins from the blood, metabolizing nutrients, and immune function. In the article, you will learn how the liver regenerates, what happens when it does not work properly, and how to keep it healthy.
The winter months are perfect for company parties, family celebrations, Christmas, and post-Christmas feasts with lots of high-calorie food and alcohol, but what about your liver and gallbladder?
High-calorie fried and spicy foods, lots of sweets, and alcohol, as mentioned above, combined with less physical activity, can result in unpleasant heartburn, a heavy stomach, bloating, diarrhea, or vomiting. To avoid these inconveniences, let’s look together at how the liver and gallbladder care for us and how we should take care of them.
Due to the importance of the liver and its functions, evolution has ensured that it can regrow quickly if kept healthy. All vertebrates, from fish to humans, can regrow their livers. The liver is the only internal organ that can fully regenerate. It can regenerate completely if at least 25% of healthy tissue remains. The liver can grow back to its previous size and capacity without losing function during growth.
An organ as complex as the liver can have several problems. A healthy liver works very efficiently. However, the consequences can be dangerous or even fatal in a diseased or poorly functioning liver.
An unhealthy lifestyle also affects the functioning of the liver. Since the liver is responsible for digesting fats, consuming too much animal or hardened fat can overtax the liver. This is also related to fatty liver disease. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Frequent drinking of alcohol causes cirrhosis of the liver over time.
The most important thing is to change eating habits and include adequate physical activity in combination with natural supplements for cleansing and proper liver function. The most famous are, for example, milk thistle or Chinese schizandra, artichoke, and choline.
This post was last modified on March 18, 2023
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