Reduced stress and anxiety levels, better quality sleep. Sport has many health benefits. However, playing sports can be seen as a constraint when you don’t …

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat for Men at Home – 5 Best Exercises
Exercise, nutrition, and advice from a doctor and a trainer to eliminate excess belly fat. Why do men’s bellies grow? The belly grows due to …

Impact of Obesity on Physical and Mental Health
A major public health concern, obesity affects 650 million adults and more than 390 million children and adolescents aged 5 to 19 across the world. …

Know the Benefits and Harms of Morning Workouts
A bright morning and pleasant warmth outside can inspire early exercise. Is the heroism shown to be worth all the effort, or is it better …

With a Simple Pilates Exercise, You Can Slim Your Waist
The controlled pelvic lift is just one exercise that strengthens the abdomen and the entire midsection. Discover some essential movements for a slimmer waist! As …

What is Plie Squat and How to Do It Properly Without Mistakes?
In classical choreography, plie squats are the basis for complex movements. From ballet, the exercise came to sports, where bodybuilders appreciated its simplicity and benefits. …

Is Exercise Beneficial During Pregnancy? What Experts Say?
Probably none of us doubts that movement is beneficial during pregnancy. But how do you practice it, and what do you focus on? We asked …

How Many Minutes of Exercise to Do Per Day to be Healthy?
You don’t have to go to the gym every day to be healthy. Still, a little physical activity incorporated into your routine will do. At …

Simple Steps to Follow When You Want to Lose Weight?
Most women deal with the extra pounds over time that significantly affect their self-esteem. As time passes and you get older, it becomes harder and …

How to Maintain Figure During the Holidays
Festive indulgence with traditional dishes is expected of us, but how do we eat what we want without piling on extra pounds? A fitness coach …